The adoption of the SafeCare standards by Ogun State is an achievement for PharmAccess as it is the first state in Nigeria to adopt the internationally recognized and ISQua accredited SafeCare Standards.
Njide Ndili Country Director PharmAccess, Nigeria
On 30th March 2016, PharmAccess supported the Ogun State government to set up a state wide Quality Assurance Unit, an important breakthrough for the African Health Markets for Equity (AHME) project.
Following this step, a one-day workshop was held in Abeokuta Ogun State to review, adopt and adapt the SafeCare standards as the state’s quality improvement methodology in line with the objectives of the AHME. Out of the 62 participants in the workshop, majority were representatives from the State Ministry.
The Permanent Secretary Dr. Aigoro commended the PharmAccess team for initiating the SafeCare standardization process which has transited to a centralized Quality Assurance Team.
PharmAccess’s support has greatly impacted the state and quality improvement using the SafeCare methodology is seen as a must- have for the state.
The sessions were facilitated by Medical Credit Fund Director Nigeria, Dr. Henry Ebenuwah and ended on a high note with all participants agreeing that the SafeCare standards are not to be limited to the state health system but are applicable to both public and private healthcare facilities.