COVID-19 is far from over. No matter where in the world they are, healthcare facilities face similar challenges – preparing and maintaining an environment that reduces the risk of infection – whilst continuing to provide health services for their community.
Which is where SafeCare4Covid steps in. With this free, globally accessible mobile app, facility staff can conduct a self-assessment using their own mobile phone, to check the availability of equipment, staff, and supplies, as well as assess their own processes and knowledge to treat patients for COVID-19 while staying safe. Identification of gaps in important supplies like PPE’s and oxygen or processes like triage will feed in to a customized quality improvement plan. The app is designed for healthcare facilities, big or small, public or private. In addition, it includes a list of 10 COVID-19 fact ‘’did you know’’ questions to combat misinformation, links to webinars and access to downloadable resources including posters.
Banking on 20 years of experience in the healthcare quality field, specifically in resource-restricted areas, and a wide experience with digital innovations, SafeCare has developed the ‘SafeCare4Covid app’ using data, documentation and guidelines developed by the WHO, to prepare and support healthcare providers for COVID-19 worldwide.
Aga Khan Hospital, a 110-bed hospital based in Kisumu Town, Kenya, on using the app shared; “This is very impressive, that you developed a structured tool to help the providers get ready for the COVID pandemic. The details captured are adequate enough to help us set up”
To access the app, visit covid.safe-care.org .Within 30 minutes it will uncover the details that might have been missed to prepare and maintain a safe environment and prevent the spreading of the disease during this global pandemic. The app is free and globally accessible.
PharmAccess is an international organization, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs and has offices in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and the Netherlands. PharmAccess strives to improve quality of and facilitate access to healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa. Within PharmAccess, SafeCare is a unique standards-based and ISQua accredited incremental approach for measuring and improving the quality of healthcare services in resource-restricted settings. To date, almost 6000 SafeCare quality assessments have been performed in sub-Saharan Africa. SafeCare4Covid has been developed with the support of partners including Achmea Foundation and MSD for Mothers.
For more information or interview requests, contact: Jeltsje Boersma j.boersma@pharmaccess.org